Our chillii® systems are versatile in use. Systems for small offices to large process cooling systems on an industrial scale have already been realized.
By delivering the complete system, including the control unit chillii® System Controller, as well as the intensive support in the project realization, our systems have a high energy efficiency.
Applications of our cooling systems
Air conditioning of a production hall
The climatisation of the production hall is achieved by a LiBr/water-based absorption refrigerator (chillii®WFC35). The driving energy is provided by solar thermal [...]
Air conditioning of a turkey shed
The air conditioning of the turkey shed is achieved by a LiBr/water-based absorption refrigerator (chillii®WSC70). The driving energy is provided by a [...]
Climatisation of a theater
The climatisation of the theater is achieved by a water/zeolite gel based adsorption chiller (chillii®ISC10). The drive energy for the chiller is [...]
Climatisation of conference room
The climatisation of the conference room is achieved by a water/zeolite-based adsorption chiller (chillii®ISC9). The driving energy of the chiller is provided [...]
Climatisation of a machine room
The climatisation of the machine room of a paper machine is achieved by a water/silica gel refrigerator (chillii®STC15). As driving energy for [...]
Air conditioning of an office building
The climatisation of the office building (including the showroom) is achieved with a water/zeolite based refrigerator (chillii®ISC7). The drive energy for the [...]